9 Celebrity Pairs Who Are Normalizing Couple's Therapy (Because Seeking Support Shouldn't Be Shameful)

It's 2023, and therapy is no longer the subject of hushed conversations behind closed doors. On the contrary, finding out a friend, partner, or dating prospect has had therapy or is into trying it is a major green flag as far as we're concerned. And it turns out a wide array of actors, pop stars, cultural leaders, and generally famous folks agree with us about bringing counseling into the limelight.

There's plenty of evidence supporting the claim that couple's therapy is likely to boost both partners' trust, confidence, and happiness in a relationship. In fact, according to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, over 75% of married couples find success from starting counseling with their partner. Indeed, many celebrity pairs have sought out couple's counseling. Ahead, we're highlighting the couples who have been open about how therapy has helped their relationships in an effort to normalize mental healthcare for everyone.

Beyoncé and Jay Z needed some help to stay crazy in love

The Jay-Z cheating scandal a few years ago shocked Bey fans to the core, but we're pretty sure it was worse for the legendary performer herself. How could anyone betray the Queen herself? Both artists used the experience to inspire their music soon after, with Jay-Z saying, "We were using our art almost like a therapy session," in an interview with T Magazine. They also went to formal couples therapy.

Speaking to David Letterman on his Netflix show, "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction," Jay-Z opened up about how couples counseling brought them through the crises. "I want to cry, I want to be open, I want to have the emotional tools that it takes to keep my family together," the rapper said, showing that he has no problem letting the world know about how therapy is working for him and Queen Bey. Jay-Z added that he and Bey "did the hard work of going to therapy...I'm proud of the father and the husband that I am today because of all of the work that was done."

Infidelity is listed by the National Library of Medicine as the number two cause of divorce in the US, so by doing the work in couples therapy, it's possible the superstar pair saved their marriage on the counseling couch. And we love them for sharing their journey and destigmatizing getting help.

Machine Gun Kelly and Meghan Fox aren't too proud to get help

After hitting the breaks on their highly publicized relationship over super bowl weekend earlier this year, Page Six reportedly connected with a source who said Machine Gun Kelly and Meghan Fox were allegedly "talking to a couples therapist every day via Zoom," adding that "Megan feels that they must give therapy a shot before making any permanent decisions." That sounds like a good idea to us since Fox and Kelly each have a huge fan base who could benefit from seeing their vocal support for therapy.

‌It's certainly not the first time the duo has tried couples therapy. Back in 2020, when Kelly was struggling with suicidal thoughts, Fox told Entertainment Tonight she and Kelly had been trying "every form of therapy that exists." And in their couples' work, Fox said, "Our therapist said that a relationship is basically the process of breaking each other down, but most people don't have the tools to build each other back up, to rebuild...It's a constant process of, like, suffering and passion and love and the repeat cycles," she added. "So, we're just learning that, and navigating that, doing that together."

If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline​ by dialing 988 or by calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255)​.

Michelle and Barack Obama have hit the counseling couch

One thing that's so admirable about Barack and Michelle Obama's relationship is how open the pair is about their imperfections. The former first lady has been vocal throughout her time in the limelight about how she wants to normalize therapy and counseling for both individuals and couples, telling People in 2018, "Because we're role models, it's important for us to be honest and say, if you're in a marriage and there are times you want to leave, that's normal — because I felt that way."

In her bestselling memoir, "Becoming," Mrs. Obama shared her struggle to maintain her individual goals during the early years of her relationship with the former US President. In the book, she highlighted how marriage counseling helped her learn how to prioritize herself within their partnership. In the Netflix documentary by the same name, Obama said this contributed to her relationship's success, saying, "Counseling helped me to look at, 'How do I take control of my own happiness within our marriage?' But it's hard. It's hard. It is hard blending two lives together..."One of the things I learned that helped me, and I think helped our marriage was that my happiness is not dependent on him making me happy. And sometimes I felt that [..] was one of the rubs."

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard put in the work

Even funnyman Dax Shepard and wildly successful actress and signer Kristen Bell readily admit that marriage isn't always a barrel of laughs between them. Bell told People in 2017 that couples therapy is a big part of why she calls her marriage "very healthy." "We got there by doing therapy when we needed it, and constantly doing fierce moral inventories," she said, adding, "We both take responsibility when we are wrong."

According to the National Library of Medicine, commitment issues are one of the leading causes of divorce in the United States. By dedicating time to talk through their problems and hold each other accountable, Shepard and Bell are beating the odds by showing they are committed to making the relationship work. They've been holding their healthy union together for ten years now.

The two entertainers work hard to break down the stigma around getting help for all kinds of mental health concerns, with Bell working as a "mental health ambassador" for the online anxiety and depression help platform, Hers. Meanwhile, Shepard has remained open about his past struggle with drug addiction. "I don't mind advertising a healthy marriage," Bell told People. "I'm trying, just like everyone else."

Will and Jada Pinkett Smith take counseling seriously

Things were reportedly difficult for Jada and Will after the infamous Oscars slap heard around the world, but that didn't mean they were ready to give up yet. US Weekly reported that a source said of the couple, "Right now they're figuring things out, committing to therapy together and trying to salvage the best of a [difficult] situation."

This wouldn't be the first time the pair went into counseling. For years, the couple has been widely regarded and commended for continuing to normalize therapy. Both have also remained candid about their struggles with the process. Back in 2016, Will Smith told The Sun, "I've done a lot of marriage counseling [and] what happens in a marriage once you do counseling...the truth comes out. And you sit across from your wife, and you've said all of your truth, and she has said all of her truth. You look at each other, and you can't imagine you could ever possibly love each other again now the truth is out." We can't say for sure, but this particular interview came soon after we now know Jada and R&B singer August Alsina had been having an affair, although the public didn't have that information at the time.

Will and Jada spoke together on a 2020 episode of her Facebook live show, "Red Table Talk," and candidly confirmed rumors about Jada's infidelity with Alsina. During the painfully honest episode, the couple expressed their unequivocal continued commitment to each other, no matter what.

Gabrielle Union and Dwayne Wade assure fans they're not perfect

Gabrielle Union may look flawless on screen, and she and her husband, Dwayne Wade, may look like they have the perfect relationship with their signature dance routines on Insta. But Union told Complex Magazine that she wants her fans to know they did not wake up like this. "People are like 'goals'; me and D are like, 'wtf?' We've kind of figured it out now, but I guess maybe we should tweet live from couples' therapy. And when you ask us we're gonna tell you, there's a process to happy."

By explaining to fans that a happy relationship takes effort and that they put in work with each other in couples counseling, Union and Wade do the important public service of reminding fans that no individual is perfect. No relationship is happy all the time, but open and honest couples like Union and Wade show remind everyone you don't have to suffer in silence.

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka love a good mediator

Actors David Burtka and Neil Patrick Harris are known for making their longtime marriage work at home and while together on the job. They have twins together and recently announced a new Drag reality show, "Drag Me to Dinner," where Harris will serve as a judge, and Burtka will produce. Is there a secret sauce recipe to their seeming blissful arrangement? "We go to couples therapy," Burtka told Life and Style. "Not that there's anything wrong, but it's nice to sort of just talk to someone who is a mediator. That's helped our relationship."

No one's handing out gold stars for good relationship habits, but if they were, this Hollywood pair would likely get an extra sparkly one for their decision to show off the work they put in even when things are going well. According to Dr. Margaret Rutherford, who is a couples therapist and a contributor to the well-regarded Gottman Institute, most couples don't seek help until there are already serious problems. At that point, they're already in the eye of the storm without having built the right tools together to deal with their issues. Rutherford wrote that it's music to her ears when couples tell her they came in before any real problems happen.

Pink and Carey Hart go the distance with therapy

Pop superstar Pink and her husband, motocross racer Carey Hart have been together, minus two temporary separations, since 2003. With two successful careers in the limelight and two children to think of, they've had their share of challenges over two decades.

Per US Weekly, during one Instagram live session, Pink credited marriage counseling as what saved her marriage. "It is a lifetime of coming back to the table," Pink explained. "People laugh at us because we're either fighting or laughing. They roll their eyes when we talk about therapy. But I'll tell you what. It's worth it. All of it."

‌The two also go to therapy regularly as "maintenance" work and not just for crises, which seems like an impressive and laudable commitment for two busy professionals with kids, especially since, according to research from the Gottman Institute, prevention is three times more effective than intervention when it comes to couples counseling work.

T.I. and Tiny Harris use counseling to make magic happen over the long term

Rapper T.I. and his wife, Grammy winner Tameka Harris, known as "Tiny," got married in 2010, and filed for divorce in 2016. However, the pair reconciled before the papers went through and have now been together for 23 years straight. As Tiny told People, "I think counseling helps ... It's really a great thing to have someone that you can sit down and talk to that's someone that's on the outside that can tell you how to channel your feelings in a different light to help you guys mesh better."

Not only have the pair been open about loving counseling for themselves, but they also encouraging couples therapy for their friends. A 2020 episode of their TV show, T.I. & Tiny: Friends & Family Hustle, features close friends LeToya Luckett and her husband, Tommicus Walker attending an actual counseling session together. Talk about positive representation!

"I'm glad they're getting professional help," Tiny said during a confessional scene on the episode. "[TI] and I had our problems and we went to counseling. We got down to the bottom of things without all the fighting and it showed us how to talk to one another."

