Sorry, Martha Stewart - Rich People Railing Against Remote Work Isn't A Good Look

We wish we were surprised that a very wealthy person has taken the public stance that the rest of us need to "get back to the office" and terminate remote work. Unfortunately, we're not so surprised, but that doesn't mean that we're laughing along. Lifestyle aficionado and recent Sports Illustrated cover model, Martha Stewart, has made a public statement about remote work. If you're thinking, "That's weird, since that probably doesn't affect her directly," then yes — we're about to agree on some things.

In an interview with Footwear News, the 81-year-old had plenty to say about the way we work. "You can't possibly get everything done working three days a week in the office and two days remotely," she claimed. "Look at the success of France with their stupid... you know, off for August, blah blah blah." She continued, "That's not a very thriving country. Should America go down the drain because people don't want to go back to work?"

While most of us know Stewart as an expert in folding dinner napkins to look like peace lilies, this is the first we're hearing that she is an authority on European business practices. This may be because, as far as we know, she isn't. Still, Stewart isn't the first billionaire with this lukewarm take. According to a Forbes survey, only 3% of participating billionaires support entirely remote work. Dare we disagree with the other 97% of billionaires? Do we ever. 

Remote work benefits companies, too

We could go on and on about why remote work is better for workers, and for most of us, we've heard it before or even experience it ourselves daily. Unfortunately, we've been around the block a few too many times to expect workers' rights to appeal to someone who feels no attachment to the average worker's plight. So, let's focus on something that's likely more relevant to the 1%: money.

Decreased control over employees' every move paired with a major break with tradition is sure to send the average higher-up businessperson into a tizzy. In reality, though, remote work is a plus not only from the standpoint of peoples' mental and physical health and well-being (which should obviously be the unarguable priority,) but it's also a pretty clear benefit to the companies, themselves. Per PGi, for obvious reasons, companies save on rent by not having an office (via Forbes). Full-time remote workers save their companies an average of $10,000 annually per employee.

Employees working remotely also benefit companies in other ways. Allowing remote work means you can hire folks who live... well, remotely. And, even local applicants are more likely to take the job. An AfterCollege survey says that 68% of millennials prioritize remote work when job searching, per Forbes. Furthermore, according to CNBC, 76% of polled employees want their workplace to make a permanent change toward flexible remote work. If their company doesn't honor that, it's easier than ever to find one that will.

Remote workers have many benefits

As for the rest of Martha Stewart's interview with Footwear News, her words are dripping with liquidated assets and smell like the honeymoon suite of a Wells Fargo. "A boss never wears flats to a photo shoot," she boasted. "A boss always has her iPhone on hand — in case there's an opportunity for a thirst trap by the pool," she joked (at least we think.) Okay, okay –– we get it. She feasts on caviar, gender norms, and according to her interview, a daily green juice. But, most of us do not. And, for us, money is very, very tight these days. Consequently, Stewart, and those who agree with her and don't feel the effects of the economy quite so readily, are really missing the point.

Per Forbes, the benefits of remote work for workers go on and on. Remote workers get more done, have more freedom with their schedules, don't have in-office distractions, get to take breaks, and don't need to commute. The University of Illinois via Science Daily reports that folks who work remotely are also more inclined to do extra for their employers and accomplish even more than they're asked. Remote work provides a fix for some of the worst work-day ailments; commuting causes higher blood pressure and more overall stress among employees, per Time. So, why, really, does Stewart hate remote work so much? It's unclear, but if she just likes having someone to talk to IRL, we recommend Bumble BFF.

