7 Behaviors Your Nail Tech Hates About You The Most

There are certain behaviors that can get you on the naughty list of your nail tech. They're not necessarily things that might immediately come to mind, though. For instance, loads of folks worry about prickly leg hair before getting a pedicure. Does this gross out your nail tech? It really doesn't. In fact, it's widely recommended not to shave your legs before a pedicure, thereby keeping the skin free of bumps and tiny cuts that inevitably happen with shaving. Plus, this helps reduce the likelihood of infection, so avoiding a leg shave is actually super smart.

Another misconception is that you shouldn't ask for an intricate design. Nail techs don't hate complicated nail ideas at all. They're artists, so a challenge can be very compelling. Chrome nails, a huge hit at the moment, are a fun option that you and your nail tech can discuss, as are pearl-adorned nails, which are absolutely spectacular. So don't be afraid to raise something complicated with your nail tech. Just give them a heads-up, so they can ready their supplies. But while these things get a pass, there are a few behaviors that are straight-up no-nos for your salon visit.

Arriving late for your appointment

This bad behavior applies to pretty much any appointment, social or otherwise: Don't arrive late. Nail techs have packed schedules, and one late arrival can push back all of their other clients.

On the YouTube channel YoungNailsInc, a nail tech shared about the things that annoyed her most and, you guessed it, lateness was top of the list. The comments were absolutely flooded by other nail techs who chimed in with their agreements. "I think people who are always late are just generally rude," one person began. "It's a controllable thing to be on time...yes, life happens, but habitual lateness is so childish." Another person offered a cheeky solution. "Perhaps there should be a policy that if someone is more than 5 minutes late, they pay for the next client as well...:)," they wrote. This is a pretty obvious behavior to stop doing, since it's a sign of courtesy to arrive early or on time. Respect your nail tech's time and they'll respect yours.

Dragging out the process of choosing a color

While we all love the process of choosing a nail color, for the love of goodness, keep it to a minimum. Based on endless nail tech feedback, keep your decision timeline short. If you do want more time to be choosy, arrive a little early for your appointment, or better yet, do your research online prior and get a color swatch of what you're looking for so they can find a match.

The other element to this equation is knowing how to respond if you don't like the color. Try to speak up as soon as possible about anything you don't like. Check the first few nails and if you need a change, ask them. Don't wait until both hands or feet are fully done. Nail expert Anna Parvatova told The Sun that she advises clients to speak up about issues as soon as possible. "A good nail tech can and will fix anything you like during the process. They're happy to do it!" she said. "They want you to walk out being happy with your nails so that you come back again and again."

Using your phone and reaching into your bag

Another pet peeve for a lot of nail techs is when clients use their phone during appointments. Primarily, this concern stems from the fact that it is rude. Yes, they are providing a service, but they are still people. Treat your nail tech with respect, and greet them with your full attention, so that you two can begin the appointment having had the chance to clearly communicate aims. If you need to have your phone near because of a time sensitive call, let your nail tech know why it's out and what the circumstances are.

On the topic of phones, avoid reaching into your handbag to grab it once the appointment has begun. Your nail tech does not want to see you handling things before your nails are dry, thereby risking the integrity of your manicure or pedicure. On that same note, use the restroom before your appointment so that you don't have to interrupt your session, or bump your nails while touching anything.

If you're tempted to reach for your phone because you just want to unwind during your nail session, you can ask for a silent appointment when you book. Many of us use nail appointments as a chance to relax and restore ourselves, so instead of reaching for your phone to chill out, just enjoy the meditative silence of the pampering session. Your nail tech will likely appreciate the heads up too, so they know they don't have to worry about making small talk.  

Removing gel nails ahead of time

While it might seem helpful to remove gel nail polish before you arrive to the salon, this can actually backfire. There's a process and an art to effectively and safely removing gel, so it's better to leave that in the hands (pun) of a professional. You run the risk of doing more damage to your nails by trying unconventional methods of removal at home, such as peeling or scraping. Your best bet is to inform your nail tech when you make an appointment of what will be on your nails at the time of arrival, so that factors like the length and cost of the appointment are accurately accounted for up front.

Over-extending your hands

Another thing that irks nail techs is when you are overly fidgety. Remember, they need to be able to handle your nails in an effective way and to position your hands so that they can do their jobs as well as they can. Nail technician Lynette Chanel told HuffPost that getting clients to relax was a big part of the process. "A lot of people are more tense than they realize and they kind of flare their fingers out and spread them out or even hyperextend them up," Chanel began. "Which means as a nail tech, we're trying to constantly bend you back down. Just relax and chill." Let the nail tech lead your hand in the direction they need it to go. 

Asking your nail tech to cut out ingrown toenails

This one might be a shocker, but apparently it happens. Do not ask your nail tech to remove or fix your ingrown toenails. On the "5 things" challenge on TikTok, professional nail artist and TikToker @Theshimmerroom shared this detail as one of her top five things she would never do. "We are not trained to do that," she explained.

It's not a nail tech's job to treat ingrown toenails, nor should they be doing work like this. Podiatrists are the specialists in this field. "In the office, we can cut out the offending nail border after first numbing the area," podiatrist Dr. Dina Stock told the Cleveland Clinic. If things don't improve, there are more rigorous procedures to fix the problem, and none of these involve a nail salon.

Eating while you're getting your nails done

Even if you're busy as could be, the nail salon is not the place to eat your lunch, even if you booked an appointment on your lunch break. Your nail tech needs to be able to work on your nails without the worry of grease or crumbs getting in the way. "Eating during a manicure appointment is unsanitary for you, the nail tech, and other clients," nail expert Anna Parvatova told The Sun. "Plus, why would you want cosmetic substances like dip powder, fumes, and sealers around your food? A manicure is the last place I'd have a meal." So keep food out of the picture while you're getting your nails done.

