What To Know About September's Full Harvest Moon & How It'll Affect You

September's full Harvest Moon is a big deal in the world of astrology. A Harvest Moon refers to the full moon that happens closest to the autumn equinox, and in 2023, the best time to look for it is on the evening of September 28. This Harvest Moon is also a supermoon, meaning that it's at the perigee, or the closest point to Earth. The moon will look bigger and brighter than we're used to. It's also the last supermoon of the year, and since supermoons bring opportunities to grow, expect some positive ruptures in your own life.

It's not surprising, considering that the name Harvest Moon conjures up images of seasons changing and the end of summer, that this full moon is going to bring closure. Expect different things in your life to complete and wrap up. ​​"The September full harvest moon carries an energy of endings," astrologer Narayana Montúfar told PopSugar. Much like an actual harvest, this supermoon symbolizes the end of growth in certain areas of our lives. This also means that it's a time of change. Old relationships, patterns, and behaviors are on the way out, making room for new ways of living and relating to others. September's Harvest Moon is in Aries, meaning that we'll also face the closure and change that's happening in our lives. It's a positive thing, and we'd best harness the changes coming our way.

Expect work and financial changes for these signs

For Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Pisces, expect some changes in your career and financial balance. For Cancer, your career will be impacted by this Harvest Moon. Big changes could be coming after months of hard work and dedication, so expect a payoff. But be mindful of burnout. For Scorpio, life is all about juggling work and personal care right now. While you might be tempted to burn the candle at both ends, prioritize taking care of yourself. "Deadlines aren't as important as your peace of mind, so if you need an extension, ask for it," Montúfar told PopSugar. "On a personal level, it's the perfect time to abandon any negative habits."

Capricorns also need to prioritize balance right now. "You might feel like you've been neglecting your private life by pouring all your energy into your career," Montúfar explained. "Success isn't as important as your foundation, so act accordingly." Allow yourself to take a step back and recuperate.

For Pisces, it's all about money right now, and changes in money. "A raise, new job offer, lucrative client, or side hustle could appear," astrologer Kyle Thomas told People. But these financial changes might not always be good. "If not, expect a hefty expense where you'll have to sign on the dotted line." But overall, these career and financial changes are positive ones for these signs.

Some personal changes are coming for these signs

For Aries, Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius, September's Harvest Moon is all about changes in the personal arena. For Aries, this full moon is very special, since it's in Aries, and the message is prioritizing your own needs and wants. "This full moon happens in your first house, which might feel like an emotional roller coaster. Something that was previously hidden comes to light, informing the important decision that you must put yourself first," Montúfar told PopSugar.

For Taurus, this full moon is going to have implications on the subconscious. You might notice that you're more fatigued than usual. Go gentle on yourself. "Schedule a spa day, sleep in, or allow yourself time to nap," Thomas told People. You're doing deep healing work on your past, so don't put too much strain on yourself.

Leo is going to face some changes in their belief system. Certain long-standing ways of thinking might need to be re-evaluated. The ways you normally operate or think may no longer serve you and it's time to shed them. It's going to pave the way for new, better things. As for Aquarius, it's time to pipe up for what you need. Communication is key for you right now, and you need to be brave to state your needs.

The relationship changes coming for these signs

For Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Sagittarius, September's Harvest Moon is all about changes in relationships, though not necessarily romantic. This is certainly the case with Gemini; you might be facing some tension with friends. "Drama within a group of friends could be in your Friday night plans, even if you didn't plan on it," Montúfar told PopSugar. Try to stay out of the tension, and just focus on the positivity of friendship.

For Virgo, the Harvest Moon in Aries is going to impact your romantic relationship. Get ready for some honest conversations. "You'll be eager to assess the true strength in your relationships," Thomas told People. Interestingly for Virgos, this is also a good time to assess your relationship to money, so it's a financial and romantic time for consideration. For Libras, this time is also about relationships. Get ready for the possibility that something will end, be it a romantic relationship, a friendship, or even a business relationship. Prepare yourself for dramatic shifts in love or business.

As for Sagittarius, this could be a time for falling in love, so keep your eyes and heart open. If you're already in a relationship, take advantage of this time to reinvigorate your romance. Thomas also adds that this is a special time for Sagittarius parents, or those wanting to become parents: "If you have children or are looking to, this lunation will put a spotlight here." Big things here in the relationship department for these signs.

How to take advantage of this Harvest Moon

September's Harvest Moon means big changes, and depending on your sign, these changes could be personal, financial, or romantic. Since this particular Harvest Moon is all about endings, face that in a positive way. This isn't a sad thing; endings can pave the way for new relationships, new career paths, and new perspectives. Even if you remain in your current relationship, this Harvest Moon can create space to end dysfunctional patterns or lead to other changes that have been holding you and your partner back.

To take advantage of this time, and sit still in personal reflection. Montúfar told PopSugar that a good way to do this is to ask ourselves some questions. "How can we avoid codependency in our relationships, while still having a true sense of intimacy? Are we giving away a part of ourselves to fit someone else's mold? Is flying solo what we now need in order to chase a dream that is meaningful to us?" she posited.

Thomas told People that this is a time to shed things that don't serve us in order to take care of ourselves. "We will feel fired up to seize the day, carve out our own paths, and follow the desires of our egos," Thomas said. "We will not be focused on the ideas or plans of others, we will prioritize our own needs at the expense of others." So the biggest relationship that you need to work on during this Harvest Moon is the one you have with yourself.

