Our Best Tips For Getting Annoying Toothpaste Stains Out Of Your Clothes

We all have our battles in the morning as we try and get out the door. Sometimes, it's fashion mishaps like dropping a heaping glob of toothpaste on your shirt while brushing your teeth. Toothpaste is especially frustrating to get on clothing because even after you wipe it off, it often still leaves a stain behind hours later. This is most likely due to the toothpaste's content of titanium dioxide, and in many whitening toothpastes, hydrogen peroxide may bleach the clothing it lands on.

You can easily remove toothpaste from your clothes and prevent it from leaving a permanent stain. When it comes to getting the most stubborn stains out, it's good to have a few tricks up your sleeve.

Don't rub the toothpaste further into the fabric

When you're in a rush, you might feel tempted to rub the toothpaste off with the nearest rag. But this will only spread the toothpaste around and make it more difficult to clean. It may also further set the stain into the fabric. Don't smear the toothpaste off. Instead, it's best to scrape it with a knife, spoon, or any flat object. The same goes for when you spill it on carpet or other fabrics; scrape off as much as you can and blot the rest with a damp cloth.  

If you have the time, scrape off the toothpaste, blot the stain, and throw it in the washing machine with your favorite stain remover. But even when you're in a rush and want to get the stain out immediately, you can still do so without having to put your clothing item in the wash.

Blot the stain with a cleaning solution

With toothpaste, you want to use products that target the toothpaste itself and the stain it leaves behind. Your laundry detergent will likely be the most effective option to remove the stain, but when you're spot-cleaning with it, you don't want to put a lot of detergent directly on it. Even a small amount of detergent needs a lot of water to be removed, so when you're dealing with a small stain, you can instead dilute the detergent in water and blot the stain. Use a damp cloth and your detergent solution to dab the stain until you notice it starts to fade. 

Another option other than a detergent or stain remover is white vinegar. Vinegar works as a good stain remover because of its acidity. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar and two parts water, and blot the stain with this mixture. Whichever cleaning route you take, remember: don't rub the stain. Always blot it until it comes out. 

Air dry after spot-cleaning

Once you've tried your best to remove the stain, it's best to let it air dry as opposed to tossing it in the dryer. The dryer heat may set the stain further if it hasn't been completely removed. So even if you have to walk around with a little wet spot on your shirt, it's okay. Your unstained shirt will thank you later. 

If the stain is still there after it air dries, you might not have blotted the stain long enough. Try machine washing the item according to the instructions on the tag, rinse, and repeat.

