Sugar Plum Fairy Makeup Is The Holiday Beauty Look You've Been Waiting For

Picture this: You're 10 years old and seeing "The Nutcracker" for the first time. You're moved by the story, the music, the costumes, the dancing, and the Sugar Plum Fairy. You watch her whirl about, this delightful, shimmery ruler of the magical Land of Sweets. You're hypnotized. You'll never forget this moment and have decided then and there that when you reach adulthood, whatever that age technically may be, you will steer clear of all societal expectations and, instead, become the Sugar Plum Fairy. Now, thanks to Hailey Bieber, you can. Sort of.

While you may not be able to make a career out of being the Sugar Plum Fairy (unless you're a prima ballerina), you can at least live and breathe the look. On November 21, Bieber posted a video on TikTok sharing her makeup go-to of the season. Shimmery, rosy, and dewy with a focus on pink tones, she called it a modernized take on the Sugar Plum Fairy, a role she was fortunate enough to play when she was 16. The look very much aligns with the pastel eye makeup trend that we've been seeing and is predicted to continue into 2024. What's great about the Sugar Plum Fairy look is that it's subtle enough to wear to the office, but also perfectly on brand for nights out on the town this time of year. It's the winter holiday look you've been waiting for, even if you didn't realize it.

What is the Sugar Plum Fairy trend?

If you've never seen "The Nutcracker", either live or on TV, the colors are very focused on shades of pink during the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. There are also lots of sparkles, sequins, and shimmering. It's a feast for the eyes, to say the least, especially when you see it for the first time.

"This makeup inspiration drew heavily from the portion of the show set in the Land of Sweets," makeup artist Ehlie Luna told Popsugar. "That set is typically very colorful and bright, and traditionally, lots of pink tones are used to bring it to life, which is why you see the shade being utilized so heavily in Bieber's version of the look ... It's basically the 'I'm cold' or 'tomato girl' trends with a twist." It's that twist that's key here to give the trend its own look. However, it does lean closer to the "I'm cold" makeup trend in that it's more focused on pinks instead of shades of red.

How to get it

Although Bieber uses her cosmetic line, Rhode, in her video it doesn't mean you can't use your favorite brand instead. The whole emphasis here — after your base, of course — is to be heavy on the pinks from the cheekbones up, and then across the eyes. "Blush draped along the cheeks all the way up to the temple is an absolute must," makeup artist Jonet Williamson told Popsugar. "You can even drape it across the eye for a bit more cohesion." You can go for a strong layering effect or one that's lighter and appears more translucent — the latter is more on par with Bieber's look. No matter what you choose, don't forget to drag that pink down your nose too.

To be a true Sugar Plum Fairy you need to be "sugary," so when you're happy with your pinks, it's time to add shimmer. You want to load up on the shimmering so much so that your eyes look wet, per Byrdie. Bieber takes this part to the point of putting gloss on her eyelids in the video. To finish up, apply freckles or accentuate the natural ones you already have, then choose a lip color that complements all that shimmery pink. Bieber opted for a rich mauve hue that she tops off with gloss, sticking to that shinier-than-shiny appearance. Et voila! Now you look like a delicious piece of candy that's been plucked right out of "The Nutcracker".

