The Major Benefit Of Having Sex Before Bed

Let's get to the point: sex is amazing. Whether partnered or solo, if there's an orgasm in there, then our body and mind are better for it, thanks to all those hormones being released in our bloodstream. Orgasms not only make for the perfect way to unwind but are also a fantastic (and natural!) alternative to sleeping pills.

According to a 2023 study published in the Journal of Sleep Research, an orgasm before bed results in better sleep quality. The researchers asked 256 people to keep a sleep diary for 14 days and found that, on the nights that an orgasm had been had either with a partner or through masturbation, the sleep was top-notch. However, on nights where sexual activity was had, but didn't end in an orgasm, the sleep quality wasn't just subpar, but it exerted "negative effects on these sleep parameters."

While the world may be full of myths about orgasms, their positive impact on sleep is certainly not one of them. In other words, if you're struggling to get some proper shut-eye, it's time to ditch the Ambien and have an orgasm instead.

It relieves stress

According to the Mayo Clinic, when it comes to short-term insomnia, stress is one of the major factors in preventing someone from falling and staying asleep. Of course, there can be other things at play for some people, but stress tends to be the most influential in keeping us up at night. "Stress is one of the biggest impediments to a good night's sleep," Chris Winter, MD, host of the Sleep Unplugged podcast and sleep advisor for Tylenol told InStyle. "And anything you do to lower your cortisol levels before bed can benefit sleep." Lucky for us humans, we have access to one of the best stress relievers on the planet: an orgasm.

As a 2018 study published in the Archives of Psychiatric Nursing found, oxytocin, one of the hormones released during an orgasm, decreases levels and slows the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. When daily stressors are conveniently put on the back burner, then not only is falling asleep easier, but staying asleep is more likely, and the quality of that sleep skyrockets. Because women feel stress more acutely than men, if you identify as the former, then you'll want to make sure you get the big O in before bedtime. 

It heightens feelings of affection

Even if you're not having sex with someone else before you go to sleep, an orgasm is an orgasm and the same chemicals are released. When oxytocin teams up with dopamine, prolactin, and progesterone, not only do cortisol levels decrease, but feelings of love and affection increase. You feel satisfied and at peace because, let's be honest, an orgasm can feel like a hug to all our senses.

"After all the considerations, it seems reasonable to say that a mutually satisfying physical and mental interaction before sleep enhances mood, feelings of well-being, releases stress, and makes it easier to switch off the busy mind to go to sleep and stay asleep," neurologist and sleep specialist Dr. Amer Khan told Healthline. "If a satisfying sexual orgasm after an exciting foreplay is a part of that interaction, it is also likely to lead to better sleep."

While this wording seems geared toward partnered sex, it's important to understand that you can have that level of satisfaction — foreplay foreplay — when you're rolling solo. You don't need someone else in the room to have an amazing orgasm, nor do you need to be having partnered sex to enjoy the benefits that come with an orgasm. Sexual self-care is an essential part of a healthy, well-rounded wellness routine. And now that you know it's going to help you sleep better, you just have one more reason to double-click your mouse, as they say, before bedtime.

