How August 2024's Mercury Retrograde Will Affect You Astrologically

Get ready for a little jolt of mayhem. Mercury will go into retrograde on August 4, 2024, moving through the earth sign, Virgo, before shifting to the fire sign, Leo, on August 14, with the period ending on August 27. Mercury in retrograde isn't rare; by the end of 2024, we'll have made it through four of these phases, which typically last for three weeks at a time. Given how commonplace they are, it's worth understanding what's happening.


Mercury orbits the sun more quickly than Earth, so at certain times during the year it appears as if the smaller planet is moving backward in the sky, and this is where the concept of mercury in retrograde comes from. At no point is Mercury moving backward; it just appears that way. And this optical illusion brings with it incredible upheaval — and sometimes chaos — around shared ideas. This is because Mercury is believed to be responsible for the transmission and reception of all information. This is why it's so important to know your mercury sign no matter what time of year it is. In short, Mercury in retrograde has a lot to do with communication, and this can impact all facets of your life, from relationships and career development to friendships and family dynamics. To better understand this pivotal time, spoke with Astrology expert Kathryn Silverton. There are things to be aware of during this phase of retrograde, things to celebrate, and things to take advantage of.


Certain careers can expect shifts during Mercury's retrograde

Mercury is all about transmitting information, so things can get glitchy when the powerful, little planet appears to be moving backward. But it's not just spoken words that can be impacted by the shifts that come with Mercury's retrograde. Astrology expert Kathryn Silverton told that anything that's a conduit, including pipes, tubes, and wires, can be impacted at this time. Mercury, Kathryn explained, rules the people who are responsible for these essential parts of life. "So, [Mercury's retrograde] is associated with journalists and journals, lectures and lectures, postal workers, auto mechanics, bookstores and vendors, teachers, couriers, speakers and speaking, computers, all communication devices such as cell phones, computers, fax machines, doctors, data, the nerves, hands, arms, lungs, and even keys, since they are conduits," our astrology expert explained. So even the body can be impacted. "Things and people associated with or ruled by Mercury are subject to glitches, delays, and inaccuracies," Kathryn continued. "Murphy's law is at play for these objects, processes, and people." 


With this in mind, anything that can go wrong might go wrong. This can impact your career and work life in myriad ways. Be mindful about how you phrase things, and be clear. Don't be alarmed if you feel uncertain about a project you've been working on. Mercury in retrograde is responsible for brain fog, a lack of precision, and even headaches. Just wait, if possible, for the period to pass. 

Virgo and Leo are big players in August 2024's Mercury retrograde

People will experience August 2024's Mercury retrograde differently, and this is because of the planet's movement through Virgo and Leo. Kathryn Silverton explained, "Mercury will be retrograde in the first four degrees of Virgo from the time it goes retrograde on August 4th to the 14th. Then, on the 14th, it moves into the preceding sign of Leo, backtracking to 21 degrees of Leo." Kathryn warned that people who have planets or angles in these degrees of the zodiac will experience changes more acutely, and she added that it's not just limited to one's natal sun, but any other planet, too. "So, knowing where planets are situated in your chart will let you know if you're more likely to be impacted," Kathryn added. 


The most common glitches that these individuals can expect have to do with transportation and communication. If you're traveling, you may experience delays. If you're making plans, you may mix up the dates or times of your engagement. You may also be more likely to forget important things, like your wallet, keys, or cell phone. Don't worry, though. You'll have to retrace your steps or reconfirm a plan. Mercury's retrograde is often a period of revisiting things you've already dealt with, and this is nothing to stress about. 

Flexibility and a sense of humor will take you far during the August 2024 Mercury retrograde

Mercury in retrograde isn't something to be concerned about. Kathryn Silverton noted that it's all about being aware of what's happening. "Part of the wisdom of understanding astrology is to appreciate the notion of 'forewarned is forearmed,'" Kathryn explained to "Mercury retrograde often gets a bad rap." Instead of stressing over the astrological period, just know that you need to be more meticulous and precise. Practice crystal clear communication. Double-check emails, texts, addresses, and dates. And most of all, know that things may go awry. "Expect to have to retrace your steps," Kathryn said. 


The key to thriving during a time as messy as Mercury retrograde is to remain flexible, and even laugh about it. Be as prepared as you can be — have checklists of things you need to do or pack when traveling — but know that your best is your best, and let the rest go. Since your daily routine might get off kilter, prioritize your well-being and practice the habits and rituals that keep you feeling sane and whole. It's also helpful to be compassionate with others, particularly in relationships and with friends and relatives, should there be misunderstandings. 

Harness the positivity of this time

There's a crucial part of Mercury in retrograde that's often misunderstood, and it's a really valuable feature of the astrological period. Since the tumult of this time often demands that you go back, retrace your steps, or revisit things, take advantage of that invitation to look back at your life. This can include memorabilia, unfinished projects, and old friends. "Since it's a time to retrace and re-do, it's a great time to hear from people from your past or take the initiative to reach out to them if, for some reason, they cross your radar," Kathryn Silverton told "There may be good reasons to reconnect." 


If you have things in your home that need to be sorted, August's Mercury retrograde is the perfect time to do it. "This is also a fantastic time to sort through closets, drawers, and paperwork from long ago," Kathryn added. "Perhaps you feel the urge to re-organize or clean out your desk or closet, or you may have occasion to go through them, especially ancient papers." This can often lead to a happy resurfacing of long-forgotten artifacts. The same goes for pursuits and undertakings that you've had to shelve. This is the perfect time to look back at old creative projects, journals, and ideas that you've been meaning to get to. "This is a time to address the past, pay attention to little details, and rework what is already in motion," Kathryn said. 


What not to do: don't make big decisions during this time

Mercury in retrograde is not the time to be impulsive, or to make huge decisions that could alter the course of your life. Even serious conversations are best put on the back burner until things settle down. Since it's a period that's so punctuated by miscommunication and misunderstanding, take the time to pause and reflect instead. "Think things through," Kathryn Silverton explained. "Don't feel compelled to make life-changing decisions at the spur of the moment since you'll likely have to change things along the way." This advice particularly applies to when Mercury is moving through Virgo, since Virgo is typically such an organized sign. Things are going to feel tumultuous, and you don't want to add to the chaos. 


Of course, some things can't wait, so deal with these as calmly and efficiently as possible. "If your computer breaks or your car dies, do your homework before you replace it," Kathryn noted. "Keep all documents and get duplicates. Allow for a backup or an out whenever possible, so check things like warranties, expiration dates, etc." For everything else, it's best to let it be in the meantime. But get ready, because the next Mercury retrograde begins on November 25, and lasts until December 15, 2024.

