Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck's Divorce, Explained With Astrology

When Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck rekindled their relationship in 2021, fans were excited. After all, when two people break up, they usually stay broken up. So for some, seeing two celebrities make their way back to each other gave them hope for their own possible reconciliations. Almost two decades had passed since the couple called it quits in 2004 and both had moved on, married other people, and had families. After so much growth, it seemed like their time had finally come and they were, after all the drama, each other's lobsters.

Despite all that hope, however, it seems the couple's second attempt at a relationship was as doomed as their first. While the details behind the pair's split are unknown, the night sky could provide some hints. For fans who are wondering how and why this could have happened again, astrologer Kathryn Silverton spoke to Static Media's Glam about what she sees in their charts.

Lopez and Affleck might be too similar

Although we often hear the old familiar trope that opposites attract, sometimes two people who are quite similar in nature end up attracting each other instead. As astrologer Kathryn Silverton told Glam, the astrological charts of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck show two people who are both Leo Suns with Scorpio Moons, which translates into the two of them being "colorful, dramatic people with strong emotional intensity." While that can be great, it does lend itself to becoming too hot to handle. 

"The Leo Sun suggests that both value their time in the spotlight, but their Moon signs suggest that behind closed doors, deep and likely hidden emotions drive them both," Silverton told Glam. "The fixed nature of these two signs indicates that it's challenging to let go of deep-seated emotions, coupled with the fact that Scorpio, when it feels wronged, can be tempted to sting its prey." In other words, maybe not everything was forgiven and forgotten from when they ended their relationship in 2004.

Their charts also reveal that while Affleck searches for and needs perfection, "focusing on the nitty-gritty details," Lopez is more about the big picture. The contrast is something that could make them both feel trapped by each other's approach to life as a whole. "Jupiter is now sitting on her natal Venus, suggesting she's ready to free herself up, and Saturn is squaring her Venus, implying that she's weary and sees that time won't heal their conflicts," Silverton told Glam, adding that Lopez's Venus is in Gemini, which explains why she would give the relationship another chance: she's a romantic.

The couple may be in for a bitter divorce

While it might be difficult to find a divorce more bitter than the one that's been drawn out for years between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Ben Affleck's chart shows that he's been hanging on to some anger that could possibly make things messy, Kathryn Silverton told Glam. Divorces, like any other breakup, are rarely amicable, but it would be nice if these two could part ways as friends. That may not be an option based on their charts, however.

As Silverton told Glam, tensions within the relationship had already reached their peak a few months ago, something that the tabloids started picking up on and publishing. While Affleck had never been a cheery-looking person, per se, it was Lopez's facial expressions that started to change about this time. "Jennifer's progressed Moon moved over her natal Mars on May 20th, triggering her need for freedom," Silverton told Glam. "Ben's progressed Moon moved over his natal Pluto on June 8th, suggesting that the marriage was likely dead in the water by this point." 

It's here that Affleck's anger may stand in the way of him walking away without a fight of some sort. On the other hand, according to Silverton's findings, "with Jupiter on her natal Venus and Saturn squaring her Venus," it looks like Lopez is done and will be moving on for good this time.

Bennifer 3.0 isn't going to happen

As many know, on-again, off-again relationships are harmful to both partners. It essentially feels like you're a human yo-yo who has no control, because both you and your partner have let the relationship become problematic to the point of no return. Luckily for Lopez and Affleck, it doesn't appear like they'll be going for round three, so they can avoid harming each other even further with this type of relationship.

"Jupiter is sitting in Ben's 12th house right now, implying it's time for him to recede from the public eye. Once Jupiter moves over his natal Venus and Ascendant in mid-July of 2025, he'll be ready to take risks again," astrologer Kathryn Silverton told Glam. "Neptune and Saturn create a grand trine to Jennifer's Sun-Mercury conjunction and her natal Mars in June of 2025 and early 2026, laying the groundwork for a relationship that fits her ideals and promises greater longevity." But with Lopez's idealism coming to the fore, Silverton said she needs to get realistic about relationships if she wants the next one to last.

On the sidelines is Jennifer Garner. As Silverton told Glam, due to "several of her Gemini planets being in his twelfth house of 'behind the scenes' activities," there's a good chance that Garner has Affleck's back. But if anyone out there is hoping for their relationship to have a sequel, Garner has made it perfectly clear that she's learned her lesson when it comes to Affleck, stars aside.

