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5 Celebrities We're Begging To Write Memoirs

Although once usually reserved for politicians and people who have really been through the trenches of life, more and more celebrities are jumping on the memoir bandwagon. Just in the last four years alone, we've seen an onslaught of celebrity memoirs from Matthew Perry and Paris Hilton to Prince Harry — no one would have ever guessed the latter would dive into memoir territory, but someone had to disclose the truths about the royal family. But why now and why so many of them?


"I think a lot of celebrities used lockdown to reflect on their lives," biography expert Rutger Bruining told CNN. "What better time to reflect and write a book when there were no other professional obligations to distract them? Also, as this post-pandemic time gave many cause to reflect on their lives, there is a built-in interest in learning from the lives and experiences of others."

But while some celebrities are itching to find a good ghostwriter to help them spill the tea, other famous people prefer to stay mum. It's also those quiet-as-a-mouse celebs that we'd love to read memoirs from, because you know those pages are going to be a salaciously wild ride.

Lindsay Lohan

Despite her innocent Disney beginnings, things started to get rocky once Lindsay Lohan hit her teen years. Lohan was only 20 when she was first arrested in 2007 for a hit and run, DUI, and possession of cocaine. Before the end of summer 2007, she was arrested a few more times and ended up serving 36 months of probation, on top of having to do community service and attending an alcohol education program. But that was just the beginning. From 2010 to 2013, Lohan was in and out of trouble, mostly for alcohol abuse and general behavior.


While being a child star played a major role in her substance and legal issues, her parents didn't help the situation. Her mother, Dina Lohan, was often spotted partying with Lindsay and also has a history of DWIs. Her father, Michael Lohan, struggled with drug and alcohol abuse and was jailed for insider trading. Despite this, Lohan told Oprah Winfrey in 2013 on "Oprah Winfrey's Next Chapter" that she didn't blame her parents for how she spiraled in her 20s. "I hate what a bad rap people give my parents," said Lohan. "Nobody's perfect. I love my parents."

There's no denying that Lohan is a talented actress and it's heartbreaking that her career was derailed. But now that she's a mom and has seemingly put all the youthful chaos to bed, it would be interesting to read things from her perspective.


Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

Although Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have been in the public eye since they were babies, much of them is a mystery. Of course, the majority of people know them from "Full House," their series of films they did during their tween years, and their fashion line The Row, but when it comes to particulars, the details are a bit fuzzy. Unlike many of their contemporaries, the Olsen twins have managed to stay out of trouble, at least as far as we know, and stay out of the limelight altogether. Whenever the two do show up anywhere or give an interview of any kind, it's always labeled as "rare" because of how low-key they keep things. 


There appears to be only one remotely shady instance attached to the Olsen twins, and it's Mary-Kate's connection to Heath Ledger, his January 2008 death, and her refusal to cooperate with investigators. If that's the only possible controversy on the part of the notoriously private sisters, it might suggest there are volumes upon volumes of scandals and drama that the two were able to keep out of the media. If that isn't a memoir worth reading, then what is?

Katie Holmes

As Joey Potter on "Dawson's Creek," Katie Holmes shot to fame. While it was hard to separate Holmes from her character Joey for the longest time, she still managed to carve out a career for herself. Then she started dating Tom Cruise in April 2005 and was promptly engaged a few weeks later.


In September 2012, Vanity Fair wrote about what goes on behind the scenes of Cruise's relationships, in which Scientology always plays a major role. It was reported that after Cruise and Kidman's divorce, something the church was rooting for, it was important to find Cruise a partner that would fit the standards that the church had set for him. After auditioning several women, somehow the church settled on Holmes, despite her Catholic upbringing, and she seemed to play the part, even attending Scientology classes. In 2012, Holmes filed for divorce and it was believed to be for the safety of their daughter Suri and the fear that Cruise might not let Holmes see their daughter again.

It's been over a decade since Holmes and Cruise divorced and the fact that she — and Nicole Kidman, for that matter — have stayed quiet is shocking. Granted, very few people want to go up against the Church of Scientology and their relentless harassment in the way that Leah Remini has, but if Holmes did decide to pen a tell-all, it would be a bestseller.


Charlize Theron

You wouldn't know it to look at her, but Charlize Theron has a dark past. Originally from South Africa, Theron's father was an abusive alcoholic who, one night in 1991, threatened Theron and her mother with a gun. To protect herself and her teenage daughter, Theron's mom fired her own gun, killing Theron's dad. Because it was self-defense, her mom was never charged.


But while reading about Theron's childhood in the outskirts of Johannesburg and the family tragedy would definitely make for an interesting story, there's also the matter of Sean Penn. The two started dating in late 2013, then after just 18 months together, it was reported that Theron ended the relationship by ghosting Penn. In fact, some outlets cite Theron as giving rise to the term and behavior when she abruptly cut all ties with Penn. 

Although ghosting is so mainstream these days that it's almost laughable, at the time, it was interesting to read that there was this adult woman who'd allegedly just dropped off the planet regarding the man she was dating. Considering Penn's history of alleged domestic abuse and anger issues, it was easy to make assumptions. Since then, now a mother of two adopted children, Theron hasn't publicly dated anyone else. 


Sarah Jessica Parker

Just looking at the career that Sarah Jessica Parker has had, we couldn't help but wonder when she might be willing to give us a tell-all book about her life. Originally from Ohio and one of eight siblings, SJP has had a fascinating ride. Even before she made Manolo Blahnik a household name as sex writer Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex and the City," SJP had been in the industry for a very long time, having played the lead in "Annie" on Broadway in 1976 and starring in the beloved "Hocus Pocus."


Although it's hard to think of SJP with anyone other than her husband Matthew Broderick, the actress dated Robert Downey, Jr. for seven years at the height of his drug addiction, then dated John F. Kennedy, Jr. If there were ever two men of the 1980s that someone would want to know about, those guys would be in the top 10 for sure. Combine her romantic life with the drama surrounding her and SATC costar Kim Cattrall, and the fact that she is now and will forever be regarded as a legendary fashion icon, and it's the makings for a juicier version of "Love, Loss, and What I Wore."

