Are Justin And Hailey Bieber Actually Compatible, According To Astrology?

As far as celebrity relationships go, Hailey and Justin Bieber have endured. After their initial meeting in the lobby of "The Today Show" in 2009, the two kept in touch, with rumors about their budding romance starting to swirl in 2014. By January 2016, with just one photo of the two kissing — which was posted by Justin — it seemed that the two were Instagram official. But a month later Hailey told E News, "We are not an exclusive couple. He's about to go on tour," said Hailey. "Relationships at this age are already complicated, but I don't really like to talk about it because it's between me and him. Honestly, the rest of the GQ article comes out tomorrow."

Not long after that GQ article, the two parted ways, with Bieber finding himself back with Selena Gomez. It seems that during their time apart the two did some soul-searching because in July 2018, Bieber posted a photo sharing his love for Hailey. In the caption, among other things, he wrote, "So committed to spending my life getting to know every single part of you." The Biebers were legally married just a couple of months later.

While the couple appears to have been going strong for the last six years, do they really make sense together in the long run? Women exclusively spoke to certified professional astrologer and board member for the American Federation of Astrologers, Kathryn Silverton, to find out just how compatible these two are.

It's their mutable signs that allow them to enjoy each other's differences

Born on March 1, Justin Bieber is smack-dab in the middle of Pisces season, and he couldn't possibly get more Piscean even if he tried. On the flip side, Hailey Bieber was born on November 22, making her technically a Sagittarius, but she's also on the cusp of Scorpio — Scorpio season ends on November 21. Sags are known to need excitement to keep them stimulated, while Scorpios are extremely intense, making for an interesting combination of personality traits, especially compared to a Pisces.

"Yes, the two are different in that respect," says Kathryn Silverton. "[But] they are both born under mutable signs, meaning they value variety and diverse interests." Which, let's be honest, is the spice of life. As Silverton explains, the biggest contrast between the two is Justin's compassion and need to take life seriously due to his Saturn placement, while Hailey is more likely to be less serious, seeing the positive in situations, and just going with things. "So, [Justin] may see a bright spark in her, appreciating that she's different but also fun-loving," Silverton explains.

Sagittarius is the sign that deeply links them

As Kathryn Silverton exclusively tells Women, there's a lot of Sagittarius energy between Hailey and Justin Bieber. Not only is Hailey a Sagittarius on the cusp of Scorpio, but where the planets align themselves regarding Justin's first house is where the magic is.

"When viewing the charts in full, Justin's ascendant is the last degree of Scorpio, placing the entire sign of Sagittarius in his first house," says Silverton. "Therefore, Hailey's Sagittarian planets, consisting of the Sun, Pluto, and Mercury, fall in his first house." Because of this, Hailey is likely to feel free to be 100% her authentic self when in Justin's presence, definitely something one wants in a long-term partner. "In her natal chart, her Sagittarian planets are in the twelfth house, Pisces's natural house," says Silverton. "So, on that level, Justin can relate to her need for alone time and reflection." It's also safe to say that Justin appreciates Hailey's intense nature, the result of her Sun being next to Pluto, despite it being a stark contrast to his dreamy, whimsical Pisces ways.

It's their Libra conjunction that allows them to compromise when necessary

One of the most important things about a healthy, long-lasting relationship is the ability to compromise. Every relationship, whether it's romantic, platonic, or familial, doesn't stand a chance if the people involved aren't willing to give as much as they take and, of course, admit when they're wrong. According to Kathryn Silverton, Hailey and Justin Bieber have that in the bag thanks to their Libra conjunction.

"They have a lovely conjunct between her Venus and his Moon in Libra, just five degrees apart," says Silverton. "This suggests they value partnerships and the willingness to find a happy compromise." As Silverton explains, it's because of this that when they're together things feel nice and easy, and should a complication arise, they're able to approach it head-on and work through it. "This is a nice signature of truly loving the other," says Silverton, adding that the placement of Justin's Mercury and Mars in Aquarius makes him appear intellectually stimulating in Hailey's eyes. When she's not being impressed by Justin's intellect or his inherent need to be serious, due to being a Pisces, Silverton says Hailey is more than ready to take the lead in situations where Justin may not be able to or want to do so.

Lastly, and the most solidifying of these two having an astrological connection that proves their compatibility is their directly opposing moons. "With Hailey's moon in the opposing sign of Justin's Moon in Libra, this demonstrates the adage of 'Opposites Attract,'" says Silverton. In other words, these two just might have a love story for the books.

