Megyn Kelly Has Worn Some Outfits That Fell Totally Flat

No matter what side of the aisle you may find yourself on, there's a good chance you've at least heard of former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly. Both during her time at Fox and afterward, Kelly has pretty much made a career of making not only shocking but offensive comments. In fact, her first stint after leaving Fox News, "Megyn Kelly Today," was canceled in October 2018 due to what she said on air regarding blackface. Kelly, in all her epic ignorance, said it was okay for a white person to darken their face for Halloween if they were dressing up as a Black person. That, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg of Kelly's offenses.

But as much as Kelly is known for her hurtful and often hateful commentary, she also struggles to dress for the occasion. While it might seem slightly unfair to point out Kelly's inability to dress appropriately all the time — she's an anchorperson and not a fashion model, after all — what's even more unfair is her problematic behavior and continuous harmful rhetoric.

If you've ever found yourself standing in front of your closet wondering what you shouldn't wear to a particular event, let Megyn Kelly be your inspiration. She may not be alone in the category of mostly misses when it comes to fashion, but she's certainly a standout star.

When she didn't understand the assignment for the 2017 Met Gala

Although we don't know if Megyn Kelly was invited to the 2017 Met Gala or if she opened her wallet wide enough to buy herself a spot at a table, Kelly completely failed with her outfit that night. While it's not uncommon for attendees to not dress for the theme (that year it was "Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garçons: Art of the In-Between") and, instead, dress for themselves, Kelly looked as though she was headed to a garden party as opposed to the most fashionable event of the year.

In 2023, Kelly, who hadn't attended the Met Gala since 2017, decided to share her two cents about the event on her SiriusXM podcast, "The Megyn Kelly Show," per New York Post. "When I went [to the Met Gala], I went to the women's bathroom to actually use the bathroom," Kelly said. "And it was all Kardashians and like P Diddy was there, and there was like dry humping going on [in the lady's room]. It was really gross and classless, and I thought, 'What am I doing here?' Models were smoking in the bathroom of The Met. Get out! Put your cigarette away, you classless losers!"

When she wore a leather miniskirt to interview Donald Trump

Speaking of the word "loser" and someone else who likes to throw it around quite a bit, in 2023, Megyn Kelly interviewed Donald Trump for her SiriusXM podcast, "The Megyn Kelly Show." For the interview, Kelly wore a leather miniskirt (miniskirts were having a major revival in 2023, FYI) and a mesh top which, even for her fans, was inappropriate and unprofessional. Considering the person Kelly was interviewing is known for also being inappropriate and unprofessional, perhaps it was her way of meeting him at his level. 

When she looked like she was wearing at bikini at the 2016 RNC

Of all the outfits that Megyn Kelly has worn, it's the spaghetti-strap dress she wore during the 2016 Republican National Convention (which was in July, in her defense) that had everyone losing their minds. Not only was it seen as inappropriate, but for those at home, it looked like Kelly was wearing a bikini.

"It was a lovely dress," Kelly told The New York Times in December 2016. "A convention is a kind of free-form extravaganza, and there are certain settings where you can take risks. So I just thought: 'Yes, I can do this. I can be smart and challenging while I wear spaghetti straps, and everyone is just going to have to get their heads around that.'" To prove her point, as well as thumb her nose at those who slammed her for it, Kelly wore the dress again before the RNC was over.

When she got a little cheeky at the 2018 Time 100 Gala

As we've already covered, Megyn Kelly really has no idea what she's doing when it comes to fashion and style. While there's nothing wrong with a lace back on a gown, the plunge here is pretty deep. Because there is a time and a place for everything, the 2018 Time 100 Gala was not the place for what this back was revealing and insinuating. It's just a weird choice for such an event and, frankly, would have been a better fit at the Met Gala.

When she (again) didn't understand the assignment for the 2016 Met Gala

Megyn Kelly has attended the Met Gala twice: in 2016 and in 2017. In 2016, the theme was "Manus x Machina: Fashion In An Age of Technology" and while, for a change, a lot of the celebrities actually dressed perfectly for the event, Kelly just didn't. The front of her gown was all black, making it look, at least initially, totally out of place. Although the back had some gold-color, metal-like embellishments, it's just not really working. Maybe deep down Kelly knew then, and as her second attendance in 2017 may have confirmed, she simply isn't a Met Gala person. After all, to use her own words, the only people who go to those things are "losers." Whatever you say, Megyn.

