Will Melania And Donald Trump Last, According To Astrology?

Will Donald and Melania Trump stand the test of time? Their marriage is something of an enigma to the American populous, with many surprised that they're still together. Questions like this aren't totally unreasonable. They've gone through accusations of infidelity, linked to Donald's alleged relationship with Stormy Daniels, shortly after his and Melania's son, Barron Trump, was born, and decided to stay together in spite of them. They also seem to differ considerably. Donald has an endless appetite for the campaign trail, while Melania, by all accounts, can't stand it. We rarely saw her while her husband rallied voters before his 2016 presidential election and his later one in 2024. Melania even stalled her move into the White House in 2016, claiming that she was staying in Manhattan for Barron's schooling, but it certainly seemed like she didn't want to live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

On top of all these notable details, there are countless video clips online of Melania swatting away Donald's hand, as well as swapping her staged smile for a grimace the moment he turns away from her. On top of this, they have a 24-year age gap, and while an age gap isn't always an indicator of relationship success, there is an ideal age gap for successful relationships according to science, and it's much smaller than Donald and Melania's. Nonetheless, they stay together, and Terry Nazon of World Famous Astrology spoke exclusively with Women to give us the story on whether or not they'll stay together forever.

Melania keeps Donald in line at home

Donald Trump is a Gemini, while Melania Trump is a Taurus, and the two signs are very compatible. Astrologer Terry Nazon shared exclusively with Women that their success plays out differently in public and private spaces. Clearly, Donald is much more comfortable in the spotlight while Melania recedes. However, behind closed doors, these two signs enjoy a mutually empowered partnership. Melania is free to thrive in her own way, while Donald can do what he wants as well. It's great because this isn't a dynamic where one partner makes big decisions without the other

"Melania Trump is a Taurus Sun sign known to be reliable and loyal," Nazon said. "She's super independent and has her own opinions. Given her Taurus Sun and his Gemini sign, it's a karmic match that keeps him in line at home, since the sign of Taurus falls in Gemini's 12th house." Part of the success of their two signs is that Melania and Donald are both at liberty to do what they need without feeling tied down. "Both pursue their interests and various careers," Nazon said. Best of all, while Melania appears quiet when it comes to the media, this doesn't mean that she's cowed by her husband. "Behind closed doors, you can bet she would feel comfortable making suggestions and voicing her opinions to him," Nazon explained. "As you can imagine, it takes a strong woman to be with a strong personality like Donald Trump." There's no underling in this dynamic. 

They were both born in the Year of the Dog, which enhances their compatibility

Donald and Melania Trump share another point of compatibility: they were both born in the Year of the Dog. This unifying element in their astrological charts points to longevity in their marriage. "Despite their 24-year age difference, the two have been together for 20 years," astrologer Terry Nazon told Women exclusively. "Interestingly, in Chinese astrology, Melania and Donald Trump were born under the Dog zodiac sign. Dogs are intelligent, loyal, protective animals that bond closely and often run in packs." So the two of them have those traits in common, which speaks to their already decades-long marriage. 

Our expert astrologer even touched on the sexual affinity between Donald and Melania and, well, things are spicy. "The Venus-Mars aspect between the two of them and his Venus falling in her 2nd house brings, believe it or not, sexual tension and chemistry," Nazon told us. "He will be her hero and gentle with her." So at least according to their astrological charts, Donald and Melania have got it going on. Melania has admitted to this herself, though not in these exact terms. In a video she shared to X in October 2024, to promote her memoir, "Melania," she spoke about what attracted her to Donald.  "From the moment Donald and I met, there was an undeniable spark," she said. "There was something magnetic about him: his confidence, his charm, his humor, his vision." Sounds like she's always had the hots for him. 

According to astrology, Donald and Melania Trump will be together forever

It looks like Donald and Melania Trump are in it forever. In an exclusive interview, astrologer Terry Nazon told Women that they're a special match and are unlikely to separate, especially after everything that they've already been through. "Given that both are very independent and give each other space and freedom to be themselves, their union can be one of 'til death do we part,'" she said. This healthy dynamic is called interdependence in a relationship, and it's a wonderful thing. The opposite of codependence, an interdependent relationship allows both parties to thrive in their own lives because they trust the solid foundation of their relationship. Donald and Melania seem to have that secure foundation. 

While Donald might appear to dominate from time to time, Melania has also made it clear that she speaks her mind, even in disagreements. When it came to her husband's stance on women's rights, Melania clearly stated she disagreed with him. "[Donald Trump] knew my position and my beliefs since the day we met. And I believe in individual freedom. I want to decide what I want to do with my body," Melania said on Fox News in 2024. The fact that she publicly disagreed with Donald is a really good sign, especially in terms of their astrological compatibility. They are free to be themselves, and because of that, they can thrive together. So it's very likely we'll see these two live out a long, happy marriage. 

