Your Guide To Initiating Sex More — Even If You're Shy
While sex isn't required for the longevity of a relationship, it helps with overall satisfaction levels in all corners of the partnership.
Read MoreWhile sex isn't required for the longevity of a relationship, it helps with overall satisfaction levels in all corners of the partnership.
Read MoreTemperature play is the tantalizing sex life upgrade that's been all the rage lately. But what exactly is it?
Read MoreThere's no shame in struggling to orgasm with your partner, but there is shame in ignoring the orgasm gap. That's why we need to talk about it.
Read MoreIf you have a kink you've been wanting to explore, conveying that interest and desire to a partner can feel daunting. But it's worth it.
Read MoreWhen it comes to sex drives, even the happiest couples aren't always on the same page. To create a fulfilling sex life, just keep an open mind.
Read MoreWe asked an expert when it's appropriate to give your unofficial lover a Valentine's gift and how to do it without making it complicated.
Read MoreSure, we know it's easy for things to get hot hot hot in the bedroom, but turning down the speed and temperature can actually spice up your connection.
Read MoreBecause sexual aftercare is so beneficial for everyone who engages in it, it's something to consider incorporating into your sexual repertoire.
Read MoreSlipping back into bed with an ex can feel weird, but if you've decided that you definitely want to go there, there are ways to make it work.
Read MoreMasturbation is incredibly healthy and natural. But when something feels so good, should there be a cap on how often you do it?
Read MoreSince oral sex is a common practice, trying to tell to your partner that you pretty much hate giving it isn't an easy chat to have. But there's a way.
Read MoreMany members of the LGBTQ+ community may identify with terms like lesbian, gay, or pansexual, but some individuals find their sexuality is more fluid.
Read MoreEven when you're not physically together, keeping your mind and body sexually engaged with each other is important for consistently maintaining that intimacy.
Read MoreOf all of the addictions out there, sex addiction isn't taken as seriously as it should be. But it can impact anyone, for any reason.
Read MoreThe 4B movement has made waves across college campuses in the U.S. and gained serious steam since Donald Trump was controversially elected for his second term.
Read MoreYour body count refers to how many people you've had sex with. While it's no one's business but your own, it can be made into a bigger deal than it is.
Read MoreNo one should have to explain their sexuality, and these celebs have demonstrated the importance of clapping back at invasive speculation.
Read MoreIt might be time to spice things up and lean into the thrill of experimenting with each other. But broach this conversation mindfully.
Read MoreThere's truly something for every lover of this big, wide world of romances. And 2025 is coming with some heavyweights.
Read MoreSexuality, sexual desire, and sex acts themselves are gorgeously complicated, such that there's genuinely something for everyone. Enter: Quirofilia.
Read MoreOf all the sex positions that we can choose from, doggy style remains a favorite among many. But that doesn't mean everyone enjoys it.
Read MoreIt's important to embrace aging and the sensuality that comes with it. If you confront aging with confidence, you'll be hotter than ever.
Read MoreIf you're dating a woman for the first time, the idea of sapphic sex could be nerve-wracking or intimidating. Try these tips for a better experience.
Read MorePeople claim to feel more mental clarity, emotional intimacy, and arousal after sexual fasting. But is it actually right for your relationship?
Read MoreWhen it comes to sex, positions run the gamut. But finding a position that works for you is a whole other ball game.
Read MoreIf you're looking to try something sexual you haven't done before or you're just not too keen on penetration, then shallowing might be for you.
Read More"The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives" has made many curious about "soft swinging." Experts explained the pros and cons of engaging in non-monogamous sex.
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