The Kindle Hack That Extends Your Ebook Library Loans Without Holding Up The Wait Time

One of the greatest conveniences of the 21st century has to be the introduction of eBook library apps like Kindle and Libby. However, with how busy life can get, it can understandably be tricky to finish a book within the designated rental window. As Libby app users will know, loan periods differ depending on what you're renting, though many eBooks stay in your account for around 21 days before the app automatically returns it and passes it along to the next person in line. There are also borrowing limits depending on your library's rules, which can limit how much you get to read. 

Thankfully, there's a way around this limit. Instagram user @samiam_reading shared a genius tip for extending the time you have access to a library loan on Kindle. Simply open the eBook you'd like to extend your time with and switch your device into airplane mode. Then, grab another device linked to your Amazon or Libby account and 'return' the book early (don't worry if you've not read it yet!). Because your Kindle is not connected to the internet, the device won't register you've returned the eBook, which means it will still be available to read until you flick airplane mode off. At the same time, because you've technically returned the book in online mode, you won't get dinged with any penalties if you happen to keep it beyond the due date.

Plenty of readers have shared how much this hack has helped them. The Instagram video's comments section was full of praise from followers who had tried the hack for themselves, with one person actually calling it a "game changer."

There are a few things to know before trying this Libby Kindle hack, though

Before you give this amazing Kindle/Libby hack a go, there are few things to keep in mind. First, know that as long as you're in airplane mode, you won't be able to add any new books to your library until you sign online again. However, as soon as you take your device off airplane mode, the book you've been holding on to will disappear — so make sure you're 100% finished with it before doing so. You also need to ensure you have another, separate device (such as a phone or tablet) connected to your Amazon/Libby accounts besides your Kindle, otherwise, you won't be able to return the book so that another person gets access to it. 

Equally important to note is that there may be some Kindles and e-readers this hack isn't compatible with. To make sure you're not accidentally returning ebooks you want, try this method first with one you don't mind being removed. Lastly, if you have an e-reader that has separate settings for Airplane mode and WiFi, you also need to ensure that the WiFi is also properly turned off or it won't work.

This hack actually helps other people get the ebook early

While the hack is no doubt great for people who need extra time to finish their Ebook, it turns out it has another benefit to your fellow readers.
Once you've gone into airplane mode, you can return the ebook early via Amazon or the Kindle app, it technically frees it up on your library's end so the next person in the line can access it.

If you didn't realize you could return an Ebook while keeping it on your device, you're not alone. "OMG!!!! brilliant. I did turn airplane mode on but just kept it the extra time. I didn't think to return early. Thank you," one reader commented on the original hack video.

It goes without saying that you want to use this hack responsibly, though. You're not doing anything wrong as a library member by holding onto an eBook a little longer in order to finish it, but, for most people, it's just not necessary to do all the time. This hack is best used for when you've got an ebook you've almost finished with and you just need a little extra bit more time with it or know you'll want it at a specific time, such as if you're heading on vacation or have a long train journey coming up. What a useful and easy way hack for reading more books!

